
Curse of the Contemporary - LUMP、Laura Marling、Mike Lindsay

If you should be bored in California

I'm sure I'm not the first to warn ya

Don't read in too much to all the signs and turns

Keep your wits about you

And your mind freedom

If you should be bored in California

I'm sure I'm not the last to warn ya

The natives scale the mountains

For the promise of the sea

But deemed the land unworthy of them


We salute the sun because

When the day is done

We can't believe what we've become

Something else to prey upon

Evidently it's just another vanity

Another something to believe

Curse of the contemporary

We salute the sun because

When the day is done

We can't believe what we've become

Something else to prey upon

Evidently it's just another vanity

Another something to believe

Curse of the contemporary

循环两个多月了,这砖太棒,这首歌尤其写得好。我不由地再次想起了PD里Ethan对Dorian Grey说起印第安人山洞里壁画的那一段:

E: There's an Anasazi village in Colorado. This was an Indian tribe that died out a long time ago. They built this town up the side of the mountain, in the cliffs. There are some paintings they left on the walls from thousands of years ago. No people. Just animals. The Sun. The Moon. Whatever they thought important enough to be remembered.

D: Why do you like them?

E: They are primitive. No. They are honest.

D: Can art be honest?

E: You are the expert there.

D: I think music can. Perhaps only music, because it's ephemeral. That's the paradox; music is a phantasm, but it's true.

在消费主义占据主导的当代生活中,也许真诚也已经被推向了某种美感斧凿又自带荒诞的相对主义。人类对真诚莫名的回避(或者说变异的定义)和对物质增加的心理依赖可能只是对一种无奈、无解且根本性的不安做出的另一种补偿。每天都有不同的人用不同的方式在试图卖些东西给你,或是某个实物,或是某个故事,甚至某种理念;你消费着你以为你想要的东西,最终也不过是被他人消费的vanity。当然,所有的人都能在这个流转的过程中或多或少地获得一些不诚实但真实的快乐;phantasm but true。至于这个真实是不是足够,或者说它的意义究竟落在哪里,大概只有等回过头去看的时候才能得出结论。只是失去了真诚,可能也就失去了终极的浪漫,诚然浪漫本身可能也只是一种根本不属于人类、只属于自然和宇宙的ephemeral。

作为我最爱的城市之一,芝加哥又给我送来了一位非常不错的singer-songwriter:Gia Margaret。网易云的曲库不行,感觉都是跟着本身就不太齐的Apple走(却还总比Apple还缺东少西),还是虾米曲库好,真的算很齐,很少碰到找不到的,GM的新砖<There's Always Glimmer>虾米就有,云村连个歌手主页都没有查无此人……

GM一上来听着莫名有点熟悉感,一查居然和去年还比较有印象的Julie Byrne还真是同厂牌Orindal(这厂牌不知道是不是芝加哥的),感觉是一下发掘到了一家催眠厂牌(误)JB相较而言更抽象和脱俗,创作水平目前来说要更高一些,GM则要更接地气,但有种很吸引人的敏感和打动人的朴素,一砖下来也挺顺,感觉一切都变成了一种半梦半醒的慢动作,类似坐在窗边看着雨水慢慢从玻璃上滑落,用缓慢的心跳计数时间放慢的流逝,很有场景和画面,也有点existential,而不是像JB那样陷入云端公路的时间静止。当然这个可能也和两者的genre不同有一点关系,总之很推荐,值得长期关注。



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